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A Coliseum for the 21st century

The stadium will be remodeled in the coming years

"In September or October, the project will be presented to the city council and in March or April, we will start with the north end", said Ángel Torres. A Coliseum for the 21st century, in comingo years. "We have to put up with the inconvenience because we will continue to play here. The stadium will be more enclosed so that the public can cheer closer to the players", told the president to media. "Next month the offices will be finished. In September, work will begin on the Sports Center with a 2,000-seater stadium. And the deadlines we have been given to renovate the Coliseum are 27 months. I am in top form. My objective is to build the stadium, close it, finish it, change its name and let someone else come and do it better", said Ángel Torres.