Terms and Conditions Greenwood T-Shirt Giveaway
1.- SCOPE. GETAFE CLUB DE FÚTBOL, domiciled at Avenida Teresa de Calcuta, S/N, 28903 Getafe (Madrid), and CIF number A78388667 (hereinafter CLUB) will promote an action called ‘Greenwood T-Shirt Draw’ (hereinafter the ‘Competition’), aimed solely and exclusively at all those who participate in the terms and conditions set out in these rules. A prize draw will be held from among all participants, resulting in 1 (1) winner, who will receive an official Getafe CF shirt from the current season signed by Mason Greenwood as a prize. Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to participate.
The purpose of this Competition is to draw (1) official Getafe CF shirt of the current season signed by Mason Greenwood among all participants.
The draw will be announced by mailing. One (1) winner will be drawn by lot the week of 18-21 June 2024, the club will communicate by email or phone call with the winner to communicate the procedure for collecting the prize.
The prize cannot be exchanged for cash, nor can it be exchanged, altered, compensated or assigned at the winner's expense. Furthermore, the prize is personal and non-transferable and will only be given to the winner.
The deadline for participation is 18 June 2024.
The Club reserves the right to modify the duration of the Competition, subject to prior public communication through its Website and to modify or change all or part of these terms and conditions, as well as to postpone, interrupt or terminate the Competition at any time.
The club does not undertake to provide a seating location as this will depend on the demand for tickets for that match.
The Competition is open to the participation of any person who: is of legal age (14 years); has the legal capacity to bind and consent.
In addition, in order to participate in the Competition, persons meeting the above requirements (‘Entrant’ or ‘Entrants’) must meet the following requirements:
- Be registered on the official website of the Club.
Competitors will only have one entry per participant. The Club reserves the right to automatically and immediately exclude from this Competition any of the Competitors who violate the rules of good faith, display mendacious or inappropriate conduct, use fraudulent means or breach these rules in any of their extremes.
In order to select the winner of the prize draw, the random winner selection tool of App-sorteos, Easypromos, Agora Pulse, Sorteados or a similar tool will be used.
For these purposes, all participants will be included who have met the requirements mentioned above and do not incur in any of the causes for disqualification mentioned in the previous section.
In the drawing of lots, one (1) winner per contest will be drawn from among all participants. The prize will remain vacant in the event that the winner cannot be located.
The Club will contact the winner individually to inform him/her of the prize won in the Competition. The winner will have 5 days to state, by the same means, whether he/she accepts or rejects the prize and to provide his/her contact details (name, address and telephone number). It will be understood that he/she rejects the prize if he/she does not reply to the message within the time limit.
The Club accepts no responsibility for not being able to contact the winner and, consequently, for not being able to award the prize due to incorrect details and/or technical problems. In such a case, the prize will become vacant.
Acceptance of the prize by the winner implies consent to the Club to use, for publicity purposes, his/her name and image in promotional material related to this Competition.
Participation in the Competition implies full and unconditional acceptance of these general conditions by each of the Competitors.
Likewise, the Club will not be held responsible if, for reasons beyond its control or force majeure, the Competition cannot be carried out in any of the terms specified above, with no other obligation for the organisers than the publication of the new mechanics by similar means to those used for the initial dissemination of the same.
All winners, by their mere participation in this Competition, undertake to keep secret and confidential any data or information to which they may have access on the occasion of the Competition in general. All of the above, regardless of the medium in which the information to which they have access is found, whether orally, in writing or by any other means.
This obligation will be maintained throughout the duration of the process and even after its termination for any reason.
The Club is exempt from any type of responsibility for the organisation and development of the Competition and, in particular, by way of example but not limitation, will not be held responsible for:
For breaches or infringements of any kind in connection with this Competition, and disclaims any liability whatsoever in the event of any loss suffered by Entrants in connection with the prize and other aspects of this Competition.
The improper use of the prizes by the winners of the same.
In the event that there is any error in the data provided by the winner that prevents their identification.
The malfunctioning of the post office (expressly not responsible for any possible loss, damage, theft or any other circumstance attributable to the post office that may affect the delivery of the prize) or of the telephone and/or electronic communication networks that prevent the Competition from running smoothly for reasons beyond their control and especially due to external acts of bad faith.
For any damages of any kind that may be due to the temporary lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the services through which the participant participates, to the lack of usefulness that users may have attributed to the same, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different pages and sending participation responses via the Internet, or telephone communications enabled for this purpose.
Likewise, the Competitor shall hold harmless the Club and its collaborators from any claim as a consequence of damages, whether physical or of any other kind, that may be suffered by the winning Competitors due to any action or omission not attributable to them and which may derive from the activity that they will carry out with the prize awarded.
In addition, the Club expressly reserves the right to:
Modify or suspend the Competition, provided that there is just cause or for reasons of force majeure that prevent it from being carried out, and with the commitment to communicate the new rules and/or conditions sufficiently in advance, or where appropriate, the definitive cancellation.
Exchange the prize for another of equal or greater value when there is just cause or for reasons of force majeure.
To postpone or extend the period of the Competition, as well as the power to interpret these legal bases.
Shorten, extend, modify or cancel the Competition, should exceptional circumstances arise that prevent it from being held, communicating these circumstances in such a way as to avoid any prejudice to the Competitors in the draw.
Eliminate from the Competition for justified cause any user who defrauds, alters or renders useless the proper functioning and the normal and regulated course of the Competition.
In compliance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, as well as any applicable national law, we inform you that the Club will process the personal data that you provide to us by virtue of your participation in the Competition for the following purposes and only for the case that you have consented to the same by ticking the checkboxes for this purpose:
Participation and development of the Competition: The Club will include your personal details as a Competitor in the draw in order to carry out the draw, to contact you in the event of winning and to manage the correct execution of the prize.
Sending of commercial communications for the dissemination and promotion of the Club's activities: The Club may, with the prior consent of the Competitor, send you commercial communications by electronic means (email) and other equivalent means (telephone, SMS, mobile messaging applications) regarding the dissemination and promotion of the activities inherent to its corporate purpose, as well as those of other entities with which it has a collaboration agreement.
Profiling: The Club may, with the prior consent of the Competitor, carry out profiling based on automated processing for which the fields provided will be filtered in order to obtain a result adjusted to the Competitor's profile. The processing of data for this purpose does not envisage any consequences that may have any legal effect or otherwise significantly affect the Competitor.
In this sense, the Club undertakes to respect the confidentiality of the personal data provided, to use them in accordance with the purpose for which they have been requested, as well as to adopt all measures to prevent their alteration or loss, and to prevent their unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
The legitimate basis for the data processing carried out is the consent granted by each of the Competitors.
The personal data of the Competitors will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the development of the Competition and for the legal periods that, where applicable, may be applicable. The data used for sending commercial communications and profiling will be kept indefinitely, unless the Competitor requests the Club to unsubscribe.
The Competitor will have the right to access his/her personal data, as well as to request its deletion or, where appropriate, to request the limitation of its processing, when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. To do so, you may send a written communication to the e-mail address info@futbolclubcartagena.com, specifying your request and including a photocopy of your national identity card or equivalent supporting documentation. Finally, we inform you that you may contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency and other competent public bodies for any claim arising from the processing of your personal data.